In Payday 2, some heists can be really hard. Here are some of the best skills you can learn to make your runs easy.
Overkill Studios made Payday 2, which was a huge hit when it came out in 2013. The player can play the part of a master thief who works with their team to pull off the perfect heist. Banks, clubs, guarded cars, and many other places are among the settings. Since 2013, the game has had steady backing, and a sequel is being made that will come out in 2023.
There’s never a bad time to start playing Payday 2’s multiplayer mode, and new players may be thinking what the best skills to unlock are to pull off the perfect heist. Today, we’ll answer that question with the 15 best skills to unlock in Payday 2. With all of these skills and so many tools, this game is a lot of fun to play over and over again.
Underdog Helps When Players Are Surrounded
The Shotgunner branch of the Enforcer deck is where the Underdog ability comes from. When the player is surrounded by monsters, Underdog makes them do more damage. More specifically, when a person is within 18 meters of an enemy, they get a damage boost.
When there are three or more enemies around the player, the Underdog upgrade gives a 10{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} damage boost. The Ace upgrade adds another 10{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} to that, for a total of 15{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135}. Underdog is a great ability for players who are often surrounded by enemies because it gives them a way out that helps them cut through these enemies.
Stockholm Syndrome Gives Players Aid When Recruiting Cops
Players who are used to being caught by the police in Payday 2 will like Stockholm Syndrome. It is also for people who are used to taking prisoners. Bystanders are scared of players with this ability for longer, and once per game, they will trade themselves for the player’s freedom.
This gives players an extra chance to get away from the cops, get back into the fight, and win the money they’ve worked so hard for. The Stockholm Syndrome card is in the Mastermind deck’s Controller branch.
Joker Is A Means Of Gaining Allies Among Cops
The Joker ability comes from the Controller branch of the Mastermind deck. It helps the player get more help from the police officers by turning a normal enemy over to their side. In the Ace version of this power, the enemy that has been turned into a friend does more damage.
In Payday 2, when the cops start to attack, it’s clear that any help is welcome. This makes Joker a very useful ability because it can give the players more shooters to protect them while they rob the place.
Feign Death Helps Players Avoid Being Killed
Feign Death comes from the Fugitive deck’s Revenant branch. This gives a small chance that the person will be brought back to life right away if they die.When the skill gets the Ace tier, it gives a 30{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} greater chance of being revived.
This skill is kind of a last resort, since being able to be instantly revived when a player dies assumes that the player would die. But if players are used to being knocked out and killed by the cops, Feign Death is a good ability to keep them in the fight.
Optical Illusions Helps Avoid Being Shot By Cops
The Optical Illusions ability is part of the Ghost deck’s Silent Killer branch. It makes it less likely that the police will target the player during a heist. In fact, it makes it 35{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} less likely that enemies will go after the player.
In the Ace form of this ability, Optical Illusions makes each silenced weapon the player is holding more effective at hiding them. This may not fully hide the player, but it gives the player another chance of being ignored by the police.
Bullseye Is Great For Players Who Can Score Headshots
You can find the Bullseye skill on the Enforcer deck and the Tank branch. It’s perfect for players who can easily get strikes on police and SWAT. In Snake Game, you need to keep your cool in tough scenarios, especially if you want to avoid getting caught by the police.
With the Bullseye skill, every hit gives the player back some armor. The Basic version of this skill gives 5 armor for each headshot. The Ace form of Bullseye, on the other hand, gives 20 armor for each headshot.
Resilience Keeps Players In The Fight
This is another skill in the Enforcer deck that belongs to the Tank branch. It helps players rebuild their armor during the Heist, as long as they don’t get shown by SWAT so many times that they drop dead within a few seconds.
To be more specific, the Resilience perk improves armor recovery by 15{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} at the Basic level and a very impressive 75{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} at the Ace level. Since Payday 2 is one of the hardest online multiplayer games, playing as a tank gives less experienced players more room to make mistakes.
Parkour Helps Players Survive As Long As They Keep Moving
The Parkour skill goes into the Ghost deck of skills and the Artful Dodger branch. This skill tree is good for players who move around a lot and try not to get into situations where they are getting shot at a lot.
In its Basic form, the Parkour skill makes players move 10{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} faster and lets them climb stairs 20{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} faster. The Ace version is especially powerful because it lets players run in any direction and reload while sprinting. If a player likes parkour, they can look into the best parkour games.
Inner Pockets Keeps Players Alive Even If They Are Alone
This is another skill that players get if they go down the Artful Dodger or Ghost Deck path. It is best for players who can stay alive on their own for a long time, even after the cops have done everything they can to stop the thieves.
The Basic version of the Inner Pockets skill adds two stealth units to the ability to hide stabbing weapons. The Ace version adds four stealth units to the ability to hide ballistic vests. This lets players stay hidden longer and with more gear, which can make it easier to pull off a heist without the victim or the cops finding out.
Scavenger Keeps Giving Players Ammunition
This skill can be found in the Enforcer deck’s Ammo Specialist branch. This skill tree is made for players who can keep going on the offensive against the police for a long time and help their allies.
At Basic, the Scavenger skill makes it half as easy for the player to pick up ammo boxes, and at Ace, every sixth enemy they kill will always drop an ammo box. This skill is especially helpful on Payday 2’s longer heists.
Fully Loaded Ensures That Players Are Never Without Ammunition
This skill is also part of the Enforcer deck’s Ammo Specialist branch. In the Basic version, the Fully Loaded skill gives the player 25{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} more ammunition. Of course, this is a skill that Payday 2 players will want to use along with the best guns.
The Ace form of this skill gives a much stronger advantage, as it increases the amount of ammunition you can get from ammo boxes by 75{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135}, gives you a 5{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} better chance of getting a throwable item from an ammo box, and adds 1{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} to the base version’s advantage.
Bulletstorm Gives Infinite Ammo For A Brief Period
We’re back to the Enforcer deck’s Ammo Specialist branch once more. This skill is different from the others in this branch because it lets players keep firing after putting an ammunition bag for a certain amount of time.
The Basic version of this skill gives you all the ammunition you need for five seconds after you place the munitions bag. The result of this skill lasts for 15 seconds when it is used by an Ace. This is a skill that players should take if they want to be loud on their heists instead of being quiet.
More Firepower Ensures The Player Can Keep Making Explosions
This skill is in the Technician deck, in the Breacher branch. This specialization is for players who want to be in charge of breaking deeper into the heist target, no matter what kind of opposition they are facing at the time.
In the Basic form, the More Firepower skill lets players get one more shaped charge and four more trip mines. In the Ace form, they can get two more shaped charges and seven more trip mines.
Body Expertise Gives The Player Additional Headshot Damage
This skill is also on the Technician deck, but it moves the person to the Oppressor branch. This takes the player in a more aggressive way than the Breacher branch, as it’s meant to keep the police from stopping whoever is trying to get to the loot.
The basic form of Body Expertise makes automatic fire modes of SMGs, LMGs, Assault Rifles, and Special Weapons do 30{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} more damage when they hit the head. In the Ace form, this does 90{f25b08510a848de72daf994cf4f788facacd51f75a5a50cf973c92cebca6f135} more damage.
Steady Grip Makes Sure Players Keep Hitting The Enemy
Steady Grip is another skill that can be found in the Technician deck’s Oppressor branch. This skill focuses more on accuracy than on making sure that players do more damage when they are accurate.
In its Base mode, the Steady Grip skill gives the player eight more points of weapon accuracy. In its Ace mode, the player gets sixteen more points of weapon steadiness. This is a great skill most of the time, and it fits right into Payday 2’s most powerful builds.
Payday 2 can be played on the PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.