
Navigating Sexual Harassment Claims in New Jersey: How Castronovo & McKinney Can Help

Sexual Harassment Lawyer in New Jersey remains a critical issue in workplaces across the United States, despite growing awareness and media coverage. In New Jersey, sexual harassment is classified as a form of unlawful sex discrimination under both state and federal laws. Victims of harassment may find themselves grappling with a challenging legal landscape. If you are facing such a situation, Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, can offer expert guidance and support to protect your rights and pursue justice.

Understanding Sexual Harassment in New Jersey

Sexual harassment encompasses unwanted sexual behavior that disrupts an individual’s work environment. This conduct can manifest in various forms, each requiring a nuanced approach to address and remedy. In New Jersey, sexual harassment is primarily categorized into two types:

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

  • Also known as supervisor harassment, this occurs when someone in a position of authority demands sexual favors in exchange for employment benefits or as a condition of employment. For example, an employer might require an employee to submit to sexual advances to receive a raise or promotion.

Hostile Work Environment

  • This type of harassment involves a pattern of unwelcome behavior that creates an intimidating or offensive workplace. It can be perpetrated by anyone in the workplace, including superiors, coworkers, clients, or vendors. To qualify as a hostile work environment, the conduct must be severe or pervasive enough to interfere with an employee’s job performance.

Forms of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment can include:

  • Visual Conduct: This includes unwelcome staring, leering, or displaying sexually charged images, posters, or cartoons.
  • Verbal Conduct: This encompasses derogatory comments, sexual jokes, slurs, or gestures.
  • Physical Conduct: This includes unwanted touching and sexual assault.

Additionally, offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors or retaliating against employees who refuse such advances also falls under sexual harassment.

How Castronovo & McKinney Can Assist You

At Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, we recognize the profound impact sexual harassment can have on victims. Many individuals hesitate to come forward due to fears of retaliation or damage to their professional reputation. Our attorneys are committed to ensuring your rights are protected and guiding you through the legal process with sensitivity and expertise.

Our Approach to Your Case When you choose to work with us, our approach is centered around understanding your specific situation and providing comprehensive legal support. Here’s how we can assist you:

  • Personalized Case Assessment: We take the time to thoroughly understand your case, reviewing all relevant details and circumstances.
  • Strategic Legal Guidance: We will help you explore all available options and strategize the best course of action for your situation.
  • Evidence Collection: Gathering evidence is crucial. We advise documenting offensive comments and conduct, addressing the offender directly, and maintaining a record of your attempts to resolve the issue. Reporting the harassment according to your company’s policy is also essential.

Building a Strong Case To strengthen your claim, we will:

  • Compile Evidence: Detailed documentation and corroborating witness testimonies play a significant role in building a solid case.
  • Ensure Employer Accountability: Your employer is legally prohibited from retaliating against you for making a harassment complaint. We will hold them accountable for any adverse employment actions taken against you as a result of your claim.

Support for Businesses Beyond representing individuals, Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, also assists businesses in managing sexual harassment claims. We provide counsel on:

  • Establishing Effective Policies: Implementing comprehensive sexual harassment policies and reporting procedures.
  • Defending Against Claims: Offering legal defense to businesses facing sexual harassment allegations and advising on best practices for fostering a respectful work environment.

Taking the First Step

If you are experiencing sexual harassment at work, it is crucial to seek legal advice as soon as possible. Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, is here to support you through every stage of the process. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to protecting your rights and ensuring a fair resolution.

Contact Us To discuss your case or learn more about your legal options, reach out to Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, at 973.920.7888. We are committed to advocating for your rights and helping you achieve justice.

At Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, we believe in creating a safe and respectful work environment for everyone. Whether you need to address a sexual harassment issue or seek guidance on establishing robust workplace policies, we are here to assist you. Don’t let harassment undermine your professional life—take action today with the support of experienced legal professionals by your side.

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